Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Avoid These 5 Social Media Mistakes for Enhanced Results!

Social Media has a pivotal role to play in modern day digital revolution. No business strategy is complete without considering the impact of social media on their marketing. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn have become an indispensable part of core business marketing plans. Social media truly has the power to make the change, a change in your favor!

Social media has given the businesses a platform to directly connect with the users through tools such as comments, sharing, re-tweeting etc. Even though social media has the potential to make that big difference to your business, yet many businesses continue to make a few conspicuous mistakes. These mistakes not only hamper your goodwill online but also can turn customer opinion against you. There are some common mistakes that organizations continue to make on social media. Here is the list of the mistakes that should be avoided at all times under all circumstances to boost sales and enhance profits:

1. Ignoring Customers

It is a nightmare for a company to ignore its customers/target audience/target group/community and fail to respond to their queries/questions on time. No matter how offended you feel as a business about a critical opinion from a customer, you ought to keep calm and respond. Remember it's the customers' satisfaction that matters and not yours. After all you are in the league to earn happy customers. Therefore, ignoring your customers and being indifferent towards their feedback, queries, questions and opinions is sure to hurt you in the long run. Social media bridges the gap between brands and end-use-customers. Ignoring them reflects poorly on your ethics and standards. Follow the cardinal rule-Respond to every single feedback on social media.

2. Avoid Online Spat

As much as you are in awe of social media, it relishes the sight of others fighting online. And when you are in the capacity of a company or a representative, it is best for you to avoid indulging into unsavory fights on social media. Make sure that as a brand you are not involved in an ugly spat online. If you vent out against your customers online, you only end up losing your brand value. Such public fights dampen your brand's image. Remember, arguing on a public platform with a customer will reflect poorly on your brand.

3. Missing: Company Website Link

Every company strives to create unique social media content across company pages on different social media platforms. However, amid the excitement of publishing the most unique content, they often commit the mistake of not adding the link to their company website! Having a link increases the chances of your customers visiting your website. If the link is missing, you end up losing a potential opportunity. You should make sure that the link is published on your blogs and other social media content for the convenience of your customers. The link adds a personal touch to the browsing experience and makes an organization look more human.

4. Negative Employee Engagement

One of the most prevalent yet most ignored facts about social media is the negative involvement of employees! Many organizations commit the blunder of omitting their employees at the time of creating social media strategies and plans. There is no denying that employees are the valuable assets. They are the ones who help organizations achieve success. Their contribution acts like a motivation for them and at the same times helps serve the purpose with their inputs.

5. Undermining Email Potential

Many businesses have started ignoring and undermining the potential of the email. Let's not forget that email is the oldest form of social network and still the most powerful and compelling way to establish a connect with the customers! While social media platforms win the bigger share of the pie, email stands to lose its charm and continue to be meted out with step-motherly treatment today. All the while the fact remains that customers who receive emails are likely to responds positively than customers who receive social media feeds. Let company's take note and vow to put emails to the best of their use and capacity!

Keeping a track of social media is fine but much worthy is the lessons that you learn from your social media mistakes and a pledge to never repeat the same.

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